Confused by HISTOGRAMS? Histograms Explained for Beginner Photographers

A low key image vs a high key image.

A camera's histogram can seem really confusing when you're first getting started in photography or videography, but a histogram is a great tool for getting a high-quality exposure, particularly for photography. In this beginner's guide to understanding your histogram, we're talking about what a histogram even is; why you should care about them; how to understand them; how they're useful for exposing your shots; and even how they can lie to you sometimes.

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Here’s the Milky Way video I mention: North Cascades Milky Way Photography - Behind the Scenes

Dan Fox

Lover of coffee and systems, short-form video creator, photographer, writer, facilitator, rider of motorcycles, and all-around adventurer. Based out of Seattle.

The Hidden Costs of Buying Your First Camera


North Cascades Milky Way Photography - Behind the Scenes